How to study
Support and Assistance
Psychological counsellingMore information → Socio-legal counsellingMore information → Studying with specific needsMore information → TutorsMore information → Support groupsMore information → TutoringMore information → Survival web - how to manage your studies?More information → Need some advice? Make an appointment with the CCCMore information →
Personal development
Lectures and coursesMore information → MentoringMore information → Competitions and challengesMore information → Student activitiesMore information →
Full-time and part-time jobs and internshipsMore information → Career counselling and coachingMore information → What will I be? - how to direct your career?More information → Chem-iK Job FairMore information →
Future events
- 31/Mar/2025 14:00 - 15:30Rozvojová skupina pro studenty s ADHD
- 1/Apr/2025 13:30 - 14:30Nácvik relaxačních technik
- 1/Apr/2025 16:00 - 18:00Využití energetického potenciálu v ORLEN Unipetrol
- 2/Apr/2025 16:00 - 17:30Jak využít veletrh pracovních příležitostí Chem-ik na maximum?
- 3/Apr/2025 16:00 - 18:00Sociální sítě
- 7/Apr/2025 14:00 - 15:30Emoční resilience: Komunikace v emocích
- ...