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Chem-iK Job Fair

Meet our students – your potential employees at the job fair

Every spring, the Consulting and Career Centre of the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague and IAESTE UCT Prague organise the Chem-iK Job Fair.

Why attend the job fair?

The job fair at UCT Prague is a unique opportunity to introduce students to your company, its activities and job opportunities. Thanks to the personal contact, you are more likely to attract potential future employees and at the same time get an insight into the interests and trends of the upcoming generation.

How can this job fair help your company?

A job fair can help you:

  • Increase the awareness and positive reputation of your company among students of chemistry, chemical technology, chemical engineering, food technology, synthesis and pharmaceuticals, environmental protection, energy and fuels, informatics and cybernetics or economics and management.
  • Reach out to potential employees – graduating seniors. 
  • To find new talent for internships and placements.

What participation options do we offer?

We offer participation in the form of a stand presenting your company by your own employees. You can also use the option of presenting your company in the job fair catalogue or as part of a talk show.

In the run-up to the fair, you can also organise a lecture or workshop for students and invite them to your stand.

If you participate in the fair, you will benefit from the offer of year-long career projects and job advertising.

Important dates

The next edition of the job fair will take place in the spring of 2025.

We are preparing a participation offer for 2025. If you would like to be among the first to receive it, please send us your contact details - we will get back to you as soon as we open the ordering option. 

By signing up early, you will secure your participation in the fair with a well-placed stand, and thus a unique opportunity to reach out to students of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague.

Contact and more information

For more information about participation in the job fair, please contact the job fair coordinator, Jan Hajíček.

Updated: 3.5.2024 09:11, Author: Counselling and Career Centre

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166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Counselling and Career Centre, technical support by the Computing Centre.