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Past Events

The Counselling and Career Centre has long been working with employers on several levels, see below, but we are open to various other ways of working together. Our aim is to give students an insight into practice already during their studies and to offer them opportunities for further development.

  • We organise various events (workshops, lectures, case studies, etc.) in cooperation with partner companies. Thanks to these events, students have the opportunity to learn about current trends in the field and meet potential employers, and gain valuable information about working in specific companies. A selection of the most successful ones can be found below.
  • We publish job offers, temporary jobs and internships on the website of the UCT Prague. We make it easier for students to find a job and help them find a position that matches their interests and skills as graduates of a prestigious engineering university. Every year we provide over 250 opportunities for students.
  • We organise the Chem-iK job fair, which is attended by dozens of companies and more than 1,000 students. Students have the opportunity to present themselves to potential employers who introduce them to their activities and job opportunities.

Thanks to the close cooperation with companies and the rich programme, these events become the perfect place to introduce students to work experience. Thank you to all the partners for their cooperation!

Selection of past events:

Job Fair Chem-iK 2024

On Tuesday, 16 April 2024, the traditional Chem-iK Job Fair took place at the premises of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. With a record attendance of more than 45 employers and 1,200 students, this year's event was a great success.

At the fair, students met with representatives of chemical, technological and other companies. They had the opportunity to learn about job vacancies and gain valuable information about the companies' operations and requirements for applicants.

In addition to meeting with companies, students could enjoy a rich supporting programme. During the lectures and workshops that preceded the Job Fair, they learned about the current trends on the labour market, how to write a CV and a cover letter or how to prepare for the Job Fair - a total of 6 preparatory events were held under the coordination of CCC UCT Prague. On the day of the job fair there were also 19 talk shows where employers shared with students what it is like to work in their company.

The Chem-iK 2024 fair received a very positive evaluation from both students and companies. Students welcomed the diversity of the companies represented and the accompanying programme, while companies appreciated the high level of preparation of the job fair, the number of students and their interest in working in their field.

Solving a case study with EnviTrail: The carbon footprint

In a workshop organized by EnviTrail, students learned about the concept of carbon footprint, its importance and the calculation process. Using the example of a snowboard company, they worked in teams to calculate the carbon footprint of both the company and the product in its different phases.

The workshop focused not only on achieving results, but also on thinking critically about the calculation process and taking into account all relevant aspects, from the company's emissions burden to the economic side. The students were also introduced to business-economic product analysis, life-cycle assessment and data analysis.

At the end of the workshop, students presented their results and received feedback from experienced consultants from the field. Thus, in addition to understanding carbon footprint issues, the programme provided students with valuable practical experience and improved their soft skills such as teamwork, communication and presentation.

The workshop was attended by 17 undergraduate, masters and PhD students.

ORLEN Unipetrol Workshop: the Green Deal and its concrete impacts on transport in 2030

During a workshop about Green Deal and its impacts on transport, students met with ORLEN Unipetrol representative Petr Kůt.

The workshop focused on key issues:

  • What will transport look like in 2030?
  • What technologies will power transport vehicles?
  • Is the Czech Republic ready for these changes?

The discussion touched a wide range of topics, from electromobility and hydrogen technologies to infrastructure changes and environmental impacts. Petr Kůt shared his insights from practice with the students and answered their questions.

According to the feedback, the students appreciated at this event:

  • The practical focus of the workshop.
  • The opportunity to discuss with an expert who provided them with valuable information from practice.
  • The amount of information gained on a highly relevant topic. 

Case study solution with ENACO Energy Consulting: how to do a feasibility study

In a workshop organized by ENACO, students, under the guidance of professionals from the field, set out to solve a feasibility study, a concept that is very often encountered in the chemical industry.

During the workshop, the students were introduced to the concept of feasibility studies and, under the guidance of the lecturers, they worked in teams to prepare their own technical and economic analysis study of a new project plan - the thing that 'breaks bread' in the practice of every technologist who really creates new things.

The workshop included a presentation of the solution with valuable feedback from the tutors. The workshop was a great success, especially thanks to the opportunity to test both theoretical 'school' knowledge in practice and to improve soft skills, such as presentation skills.

The workshop was attended by 23 Master's students.


Job Fair Chem-iK 2024


Solving a case study with EnviTrail: The carbon footprint


Updated: 3.5.2024 09:15, Author: Counselling and Career Centre

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166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Counselling and Career Centre, technical support by the Computing Centre.