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Logo The UCT Prague Counselling Centre

iduzel: 70807
idvazba: 86276
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čas: 12.9.2024 01:32:51
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iduzel: 70807
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url: '/support-and-assistance/tutors'
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Tutors help younger students

The Tutors Association brings together trained and experienced students of UCT Prague who volunteer to help their classmates. The intention of the association is to help other students directly and individually and to raise awareness in various areas and levels of study.

We can be contacted by anyone who:

  • needs help transferring to our university
  • is seeking advice on the course of study
  • is looking for tutoring in specific subjects
  • wants to better understand the school and its processes
  • wants to get involved in extracurricular activities
  • needs advice on choosing a thesis
  • doesn't know who to go to with their issue

Need some advice? Contact us!

If you didn't find your query among the FAQs:

  • write to us at always include your name, faculty, major and year)

  • contact a specific tutor(you will find the contacts in the Members and Contacts tab) and arrange an individual consultation

We are happy to help you not only in Czech, but also in Slovak, English, Ukrainian or Russian.

Follow us on Instagram @tutorivscht and be the first to know about all the events, tips and news (currently operated mainly in Czech)!

Members are regularly trained

The association has been operating since 2016 and its founder is the Counselling and Career Centre of UCT Prague. It is mainly older students who are regularly trained by the school staff and other mentors in workshops, lectures and seminars. The tutors also work closely with the Senate, other student associations and other active students of UCT Prague. Each Tutor activity has a coordinator who works under the supervision of the association leader or his/her deputy.

All members of the Tutors association provide advice in a confidential and discreet manner.


Updated: 12.7.2024 07:40, Author: Counselling and Career Centre

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Counselling and Career Centre, technical support by the Computing Centre.