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Support groups


Share your experience with a group of classmates

Thanks to support groups, you can meet your classmates and together share the small and bigger obstacles that studying at VŠCHT puts in front of you. The opinions and experiences of others will help you find solutions and workable strategies to overcome them and get through. You will see that you are not alone in this!

How does it work?

A closed group of students will meet a total of four times during the semester. Each meeting focuses on specific topics or suggestions from participants related to the type of support group. An initial short lecture is followed by a space for discussion, sharing tips, advice and difficulties.

The groups follow the rules for support group meetings, i.e. confidentiality and a safe environment will be guaranteed.

The communication language of the groups is Czech

Types of support groups 

Each group covers different topics to discuss, usually we offer:

Time & Study Management

You will focus on issues and challenges associated with studying at HE, advice on specific subjects may also occur. You will also discuss setting up a daily routine or time management to keep up with school and life, or how to successfully complete long-term assignments.

How to: Czechia.

A group for foreigners who have come to the Czech Republic to study and would like to share their expectations, challenges and problems that come with this important step in life. You will discuss adaptation and cultural differences, integration into a team, as well as practical advice and tips not only for life in the Czech Republic but also for studying at UCT Prague.

There are no open groups right now. The new schedule for winter term 2024/2025 will be published during autumn.

If you have any questions, ideas or comments, please contact Alžběta Krejčová.

Updated: 20.5.2024 14:43, Author: Counselling and Career Centre

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Counselling and Career Centre, technical support by the Computing Centre.