Help with legal problems and social security
Socio-legal advice is useful if you need to deal with issues of legal entitlements and obligations or information on social security (social benefits, maintenance, etc.). A number of organisations offer free advice to help you navigate your problem and plan your next steps.
Contacts for advice
Social counselling in difficult life situations:
Legal counselling:
- Student Legal Advice Centre in cooperation with the City of Prague
- Websites of the municipal authorities of individual municipalities or districts
Debts and foreclosures:
You can also find more information on the various free legal advice options HERE or on the website JUSTICE.cz.
How to proceed?
If you decide to make use of socio-legal counselling, try to find out as much information as possible in advance about your chosen counsellor or organisation.
You should know what you are entitled to as part of the service and what the terms, conditions and cost are (free advice may only cover certain areas). In addition, don't forget to bring the necessary documents to your consultation.
If using an attorney, also check the index on the website of the Czech Bar Association. If a person is not traceable (and therefore registered) on this website, he/she is not authorised to act as an attorney. In some cases, you may also be entitled to free legal representation/advice from an attorney.
The CCC is not responsible for advice provided by third parties.