Martin Koretz
Role: Technical sales representative for biomedical applications Area: Ultrasonic and laser welding of plastic products Employer: DUKANE IAS s.r.o.; former: National Instruments, Digiteq Mentoring language: czech, english Mentees: students, employees Form: Online, Personal meet up
What can I help my mentee with?:
Martin earned his Ing title in biomedicine at CTU. His passion for discussing big ideas in teams of interesting people was born in Ireland during his summer school stay in Dublin. A wide variety of expertise and life experiences, that is the kind of company where big and ambitious projects are put in motion. To this day he makes use of his sixth sense for finding talented innovators, whose ideas should definitely not stay hidden. That is, among other, one of the reasons Martin joined the mentoring program – to help find and realise these ideas, to bring them from a lab all to way to the market.
After his studies Martin joined the National Instruments firm, where he very quickly made his way from a Team leader to a Staff application Engineer. Beside team leadership he is also required to train, coach and recruit new employees.
Currently he works for Dukane as a Technical salesman for bio medicinal applications all across Europe. Apart from his profession he spends his time raising his three children, climbing mountains, in his workshop or with his bees.
He is joining the mentoring program with hopes to help today’s students to better navigate their way through studies and on the job market. „I like young people and their ideas, energy and different point of view on things. I myself would have appreciated a similar contact during my studies, and I feel like meeting me could definitely have merit for some students. “