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Role: Formulation manager

Area: Pharmaceuticals

Employer: Zentiva

What can I help my mentee with?

  • gain insight into the workings of pharmaceutical development
  • learn what to expect from different positions in the generic pharmaceutical industry (development, manufacturing)
  • personal development, communication and working with people


Michaela has enjoyed research work since the beginning of her studies at UCT Prague. During her Master's degree, she was put in charge of several younger students as their supervisor. As part of her PhD studies, she collaborated with the pharmaceutical company Zentiva, where she was also offered a position within the formulation development department, which Michaela accepted. To get a position here, you need a PhD: "The job is very specific. I think it's about proving by successfully completing a PhD that you have the ability to lead projects and work independently, which is what is needed here." The work of formulation scientists takes a drug form from start to finish - it involves the design and optimization of the drug formulation, the performance of the product, the design of the manufacturing process itself and, if successful in clinical trials, the submission of the drug for marketing approval. 

After two and a half years as a formulation scientist, Michaela has been promoted to a management position, and currently has responsibility for the projects of her three fellow formulators in addition to her own. She also helps them with personal development and management skills development, an area she enjoys. "I really honestly believe that it makes sense to talk to students about opportunities and experiences, because if you direct yourself early, you can have a nice career and be content in life. If I could help someone in this way, I would be very happy."


Updated: 25.11.2023 16:17, Author: Counselling and Career Centre

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