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UCT PragueCounselling and Career Centre  → The rules for registering and cancelling the registration
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Registration Guidelines

Events and services of the Counselling and Career Centre of the UCT Prague 

  • Any interested person ( an applicant, student, graduate or employee) can register for a CCC event/service on the selected date and time via the registration system, or by e-mail or other offered method (depending on the selected event/service)
  • After registration, the place at the event/service is reserved for the participant and the CCC is counting on their participation.
  • The registration fot an event/service can be independently cancelled in the same way as the registration (i.e. in the registration system, by e-mail or otherwise). Especially for events/services bookable via the login system, please use the system again for possible cancellation, e-mail only in extreme cases (e-mail communication gets stuck easily).
  • Unless otherwise stated (in the registration system), you must cancel the registration at least 24 hours before the scheduled time.

  • For late cancellation, or even absence without canceling, we will issue a "warning".

  • After two warnings have been issued, i.e. on the third late or unexcused absence (in all CCC events/services) we issue a "stop notice" on all of the CCC development events/services (lectures, courses and workshops, career counseling, mentoring). For CCC counselling events/services (psychological counselling, services for SSN students) cancellations will be dealt with on an individual basis.
  • Warnings and stop notices are valid for one academic year.


We offer events and services free of charge. They are administratively, financially and staff-intensive to organize. If you sign up for an event/service and end up not using it (with or without a late apology), you are unnecessarily draining our capacity and taking up space for someone who would like to use it to its full potential. Last but not least, proper scheduling and a proper early excuse, if any, is the basic equipment of an educated person and an indispensable skill for life.
Updated: 7.2.2024 13:00, Author: Counselling and Career Centre

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Counselling and Career Centre, technical support by the Computing Centre.